We recently took a tour deep into the microscopic world of viruses. Working closely with a genetics laboratory client, we have developed a few different types of viruses in 3D. Each of the models has been created with the help of microscopic data. 3D representations of microscopic organisms and objects always have some artistic element to them, so on the renders, you see here we have developed our own vision of what these viruses look like. Working on this project has given us a unique perspective on how viruses function, move, and spread in the body. We hope to continue working on such projects in the future, especially with the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. Universities and laboratories around the world are working 24/7 to develop vaccines and we would love to create 3D presentations of how a cure might work on the coronavirus. For this current project, we created the following viruses - HBV, HSV, HPV, and HIV. We also created a DNA strand with proteins attached to it.
3D visualization depicts the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It clearly presents its structure that consists of a relatively large, double-stranded, linear DNA genome placed in a protein cage, that is wrapped in a layer known as the envelope. HSV can be two types - type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). It is most commonly transmitted by oral-to-oral contact. As a result, the infected person can be diagnosed with oral herpes. HSV-2 in particular is transmitted during sexual intercourse and is known to cause genital herpes.
DNA Strand and two proteins
This 3D model shows Deoxyribonucleic acid or commonly known as DNA. This molecule is composed of two chains, coiling around each other so that they form the famous double helix. DNA is known to carry important genetic instructions. That is why the DNA strands are needed for different processes like development, growth, functioning and even reproduction of all living organisms known to science. DNA is known to exist and carry information for many viruses as well. On the CGI visualization, you also see two proteins.
The 3D modeling of HBV presents the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) which is a member of the Hepadnavirus family. It is a common cause of liver disease. HBV is known to infect more than 300 million people worldwide. It can be spread in various ways - from mother to her child at birth, through exposure to infected blood, tattooing, exposure to saliva and other body fluids, and so on. The 3D Model that you are seeing presents this dangerous virus from an artistic point of view. It has a distinguishable shape and it is also capable of survival outside of the human body for at least 7 days
The right 3D model shows a 3D visualization of the virus responsible for the human papillomavirus infection. It is known as human papillomavirus that is a DNA virus. A human can get infected through sexual contact or any skin-to-skin contact of the genital area. This virus is distinguished by the lack of symptoms. That is why many people who are infected with it have no awareness of the disease.
On the left, you see another 3D Model of the HSV virus and on the right is a 3D visualization of the famous HIV virus. The latter is known for its destructive effect on the human immune system which results with the AIDS disease. This virus is spread mainly through sexual intercourse and exposure to human body fluids. For many years the scientists have been struggling to find a suitable cure for AIDS and a solution to prevent HIV from infecting the human organism. We would like to believe that by creating 3D models using some of the best 3D modeling software tools of such dangerous viruses we can allow scientists to focus on important parts of their structure so that they can know how to attack them efficiently.